70th Anniversary of the Pledge of Allegiance
Due to time constraints (work, men's basketball game, stress, etc.) I was unable to post this in time yesterday afternoon. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Due to time constraints (work, men's basketball game, stress, etc.) I was unable to post this in time yesterday afternoon. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Just goes to show you, leftist student activists have to continually make up accusations of being abused by systems designed to protect us from terrorist attacks in order to prove true the atrocities of the Bush-Hitler regime.
Why do I find this so hard to believe?
You feel like you were mistreated by the press?
They got hold of everything I've ever said and scrutinized it so carefully. They never scrutinized what Bush said. No one said, "Why did you lie to the American people and say there was WMD?" The press found an easy target in Iraq, and they found an easy target in me.
I can not tell you how ashamed I am today to hear this news. Not because the Patriot Act was extended for one month by the House of Representatives and six months by the Senate. In fact I defend the creation and the necessity of the Patriot Act with my life. What I am ashamed of however is the Congressional Republicans, with the exception of Jim Sensenbrenner, a gritty man who has taken way too much unnecessary shit for his actions this year, who caved in to the partisan bantering of the left, namely Russ Feingold who ignorantly believes he is securing his presidential nomination with this filibuster effort, and compromised on an extension of the Patriot Act. Here’s a news flash to Feingold – nobody outside of the state of Wisconsin knows who the Hell you are, so you have no shot in Hell in garnering the nomination, particularly with Hillary running. I am further ashamed of the Congressional Democrats … scratch that, the Democratic Party in general who do not take the security of this nation seriously at all. They care more about the partisan score sheet on Capitol Hill then they are about protecting this country from yet another September 11th, or worse. Screw the extension! The Patriot Act is vital in winning the war against terrorism and should be made permanent. What the extension accomplishes is that is allows Congressional Republicans retreat to their holes in the ground and push back the date on which to seriously debate this issue. Furthermore, it allocates a few months for Congressional Democrats toward their Bush bashing.
There is definitely a level of contradiction when it comes to the media’s attack on the Bush administration for wire-tapping people suspected of terrorist activities without a court order …
During the 1990's under President Clinton, the National Security Agency monitored millions of private phone calls placed by U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries under a super secret program code-named Echelon.
On Friday, the New York Times suggested that the Bush administration has instituted "a major shift in American intelligence-gathering practices" when it "secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without [obtaining] court-approved warrants."
But in fact, the NSA had been monitoring private domestic telephone conversations on a much larger scale throughout the 1990s - all of it done without a court order, let alone a catalyst like the 9/11 attacks.
In February 2000, for instance, CBS "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Kroft introduced a report on the Clinton-era spy program by noting:
"If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, there's a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country's largest intelligence agency. The top-secret Global Surveillance Network is called Echelon, and it's run by the National Security Agency."NSA computers, said Kroft, "capture virtually every electronic conversation around the world."
Echelon expert Mike Frost, who spent 20 years as a spy for the Canadian equivalent of the National Security Agency, told "60 Minutes" that the agency was monitoring "everything from data transfers to cell phones to portable phones to baby monitors to ATMs."
Mr. Frost detailed activities at one unidentified NSA installation, telling "60 Minutes" that agency operators "can listen in to just about anything" - while Echelon computers screen phone calls for key words that might indicate a terrorist threat.
The "60 Minutes" report also spotlighted Echelon critic, then-Rep. Bob Barr, who complained that the project as it was being implemented under Clinton "engages in the interception of literally millions of communications involving United States citizens."
I don’t know about anyone else but I just think this is a terrible idea.
The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, though not nearly as controversial as director Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ was last year, deals directly with the theological underpinnings of Christianity present in the classic children’s book series by author C.S. Lewis. At a time in American history when Christian conservatives are in a heated conflict with political correct and multicultural liberals for the very sake of Christmas, this film’s release in theatres could not have come at a more crucial juncture. It may not rouse the masses as nearly as much as The Passion of the Christ did but it should rile them to attention.
Finally! Congress is getting off their asses and stepping up security on the US/Mexican border. I suppose they realize national security does matter when it comes to defending our borders. Wow, what a concept!
Now if only we could get this kind of turn-out in the United States.
If the facts against ‘Tookie’ Williams weren’t enough, take a gander at the pictures of the leftist protestors causing a commotion outside San Quentin Prison on the evening of the execution.
Shameless and exploitive. That’s all that can be said about this photo of Cindy Sheehan in the latest issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Thanks to the Drunk Report for the heads up.
I can honestly respect those who are against the death penalty (I think they are wrong but I can accept that they have different beliefs when it comes to the issue of just punishment). However, ‘Tookie’ Williams is hardly the person I think they should be voicing their extreme opposition to the practice on.
While in prison, Williams maintained his innocence, refused to aid police investigations with any information against his gang, and was involved in attacks on guards and other inmates as well as multiple escape plots.Yep, sounds to me like a person who should be exonerated.
Court records show that as Darryl and Sims walked to the counter area to take money from the register, Williams walked behind Owens, pulled the sawed-off shotgun from under his jacket and told Owens to “shut up and keep walking.” While pointing the shotgun at Owens’ back, Williams directed him to a back storage room and ordered him to lie down. Coward said that he next heard the sound of a round being chambered into the shotgun. He then heard a shot and glass breaking, followed by two more shots. Records show that Williams shot out a security monitor and then killed Owens, shooting him twice in the back at point blank range as he lay prone on the storage room floor.
Once back in Los Angeles, Sims asked Williams why he had shot Owens. Williams said that he “didn’t want to leave any witnesses.” Williams also said he killed Owens “because he was white and he was killing all white people.” Coward testified that Williams had bragged about the shooting, stating, “You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him,” as he made gurgling or growling noises and laughed about Owens’ death.
According to court transcripts at approximately 5:00 am on March 11, 1979, Stanley Williams entered the Brookhaven Motel at 10411 South Vermont Avenue. After entering the hotel lobby area, Williams broke down the door that led to the private office. Inside the private office, Williams shot and killed 76 year old Yen-Yi Yang. Williams then shot and killed Yang’s wife, sixty-three year old Tsai-Shai Yang. Lastly, Williams killed Yang’s daughter, 43 year old Yee-Chen Lin, after which he emptied the cash register and fled the scene.
According to the forensic pathologist, Yen-Yi Yang suffered two close range shotgun wounds, one to his left arm and abdomen, and one to the lower left chest. Tsai-Shai was shot twice at close range. The pathologist explained that one shotgun wound was to the coccyx, or tailbone, and the other shotgun wound was to the anterior abdomen with the charge entering at the navel. Yee-Chen Lin was shot once in the upper left face area at a distance of a few feet.
Witnesses testified that Williams referred to the victims in conversations with friends as "Buddha-heads", a derogatory term for Asians, particularly Japanese.
The trial record shows that after the jurors returned their guilty verdicts, Williams said, “Sons of bitches,” in a voice sufficiently loud that the court reporter included this statement in the trial transcript."
"On the day that the jury began its penalty-phase deliberations, an alternate juror reported to the bailiff that some jurors believed that Williams had threatened them. In response to questioning by the trial judge, the alternate juror stated that the jurors sitting in the center of the jury box had told her that after the verdicts were read, Williams looked at the jury and said that he was going to get all of them."
On June 30, 1981, just two months after being sentenced, Williams was involved in a violent fight with another inmate. Williams was observed kneeling over the other inmate and striking him in the head with his closed fists. When Williams was ordered to cease fighting, he ignored the order. Only after repeated orders to stop, did Williams stop his violence. (P. Exh. 6).
On January 26, 1982, Williams was ordered to lineup for his return to his cell. Williams refused the order and became hostile. The guard then explained the line-up procedure to Williams. Williams responded by saying "you'll get yours boy, I can do anything now because I know what the gunmen will do…one of these days I'll trick you boy." (P. Exh. 7).
On January 28, 1982, Williams had two separate instances where he threw chemical substances at guards. In one of these instances, Williams threw a chemical substance in the eyes and on the face of a guard. As a result of that assault, the guard suffered from chemical burns to these areas and had to be taken to the hospital where he received emergency care. (P. Exh. 8).
On January 29, 1982, Williams again attacked a guard by throwing a chemical substance on him. (P. Exh. 9).
On February 16, 1984, a guard saw Williams bending over another inmate and striking him with his closed fists. In an effort to stop the attack, the guard blew his whistle and drew his weapon. Williams, however, continued to fight. Only after a guard fired a warning shot did Williams stop fighting. (P. Exh. 10).
On June 8, 1984, Williams was observed participating in inappropriate behavior with a female visitor. When the guard advised the female of the prison policies, Williams became verbally hostile and stated, "you are looking around too much and that's not your job. I have dusted many officers on the street, one more would not make any difference." (P. Exh. 11).
On July 4, 1986, Williams stepped between a guard and another inmate and began to beat up the inmate. The guard ordered Williams to stop but Williams continued with the assault. Eventually, after gun officers responded, Williams stopped the attack. (P. Exh. 12).
On October 10, 1988, Williams was involved in a fight that led to him being stabbed by Tiequon Aundray Cox (aka Lil Fee), a Rolling 60s Crips member, and fellow death row inmate. Prison officials subsequently learned that this stabbing was done in retaliation for a September 22, 1988 stabbing of another inmate ordered by Williams. (P. Exh. 13).
Though the prison guards noted that he still remained a member of the Crips gang, "The violations are usually involving batteries on inmates, batteries on staff. But we have also received information that has identified him as an active member of the Crips," Crittendon said.
"The particular set is known as the Blue Note Crips, and that information we have received since his arrival here in April 1981 and as recent as June of 2000," Crittendon said."
Source: The Hollywood Blacklist
Okay, I fully realize that we are smack-dab in the middle of finals week at Marquette University (I have a Biology for Non-Science Majors examination set for eight in the morning tomorrow) and I have a comparative politics essay due Thursday I should be working on right now, but I felt that if I didn’t make some sort of comment about the ‘Tookie’ Williams execution now I might forget and never get to it once exams were over and done with. I’ll try however to make this as quick as possible.
Yes, it is that time of the year again. The time of the year when we collect all the monumental moments of the past twelve months and condense them into one tinny-tiny little list.
6) "For those of you who do, as a matter of principle, oppose war in any form, the idea of supporting a conscientious objector who's already been inducted [and] in his combat service in Iraq might have a certain appeal. But let me ask you this: Would you render the same support to someone who hadn't conscientiously objected, but rather instead rolled a grenade under their line officer in order to neutralize the combat capacity of their unit?"
-- University Professor Ward Churchill on supporting soldiers who frag their officers
11) "(The) idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong."
-- Howard Dean
17) "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach. It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry."
-- Louis Farrakhan speculates that New Orleans was deliberately flooded
26) "Well I would say that in the year 2000, the country failed abysmally in the presidential election process. There's no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president."
-- Jimmy Carter
33) "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is one more liar."
-- Helen Thomas
35) "As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on the record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families. We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead."
-- Moby
Despite the acclamations of rap artists like Kayane West who argued that “Bush doesn’t care about black people” and that, according to testimony by witnesses of the devastation of Hurricane Katrina that high-numbers of blacks died because of federal incompetence, it turns out that forty-one percent of the dead collected are white, a remarkable statistic considering that white residents make up only twenty-eight percent of New Orlean’s population.
The first one up is an unlikely political commentary, Michael Bay’s science-fiction thriller, The Island, which unfortunately bombed over the summer season and comes to DVD tomorrow. The film’s story covers a variety of controversial topics, human cloning and totalitarianism among them, and in an age where the extent to which stem-cell research can be conducted is the hot topic in the American forum, this film may very well shed light on what is to come based on our actions today.
I reported less then a month ago that Senator Joseph Lieberman was a marked man within his own party and this seems to confirm that fact. Hold strong, Joe! In a time when a political party places political power over the security of its nation and ostracizes those who stray from the extremist party rhetoric, there is no clear evidence that the Democratic Party has lost its way then right now.
CBS’s The Early Show last Thursday chose to ignore President George W. Bush’s improving poll numbers, an increase of about five points in the last month according to the network’s own poll, while the New York Times by some sheer miracle placed the report as a headline on their front-page above the fold.
“UNSCOM and IAEA inspectors departed Iraq just before the bombing and never returned. The Iraqis were satisfied with the outcome. They said, given a choice of sanctions with inspections or sanctions without inspections, they would prefer without." (Vol. 1, p. 11)Yep, sure looks like ol’ Slick Willy showed them a thing or two.
Tomorrow morning Marquette University Student Government (MUSG) may trumpet the passing of Resolution 1 “On Behalf of Student Expression” as a solid and decisive victory against the ever-increasing encroachment of the Marquette University Administration into the individual private lives of the student body but some of us, I among them, are less then optimistic.
Whereas: It is recognized that Marquette University, in accordance with its Jesuit values and ideals and in compliance with its Policies and Procedures, reserves the right to monitor and censor expression both on and off Marquette’s campus;The concern raised by Ryan Alexander of 1832 in regards to this particular paragraph, one which I agree with mind you (Yes, Hell did freeze over and pigs did fly for a short period of time there), is that the language used directly contradicts the position MUSG sought to take in regards to the issue of free speech rights for students and by passing the resolution with this specific paragraph intact was in effect writing a blank check to the university administration.
In spite of their blatant disregard of the international legislation the United Nations themselves signed in 1948 which made Israel an official nation-state, the United Nations held a conference in honor of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in which a map of the ‘Palestinian state’ with the exclusion of Israel was on prominent display.
In conjunction with GOP3.com a list of contact information has been provided for students and alumni of Marquette University to voice their animosity toward the decision of College of Dentistry to suspend a student for voicing his right to free speech.
Dr. Denis Lynch: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Contact Dr. Lynch via email at: denis.lynch@marquette.edu
Contact Dr. Lynch on the phone at: 414-288-7485
Dr. Anthony Ziebert: Chairman of Department of General Dental Sciences
Contact Dr. Ziebert via email at: anthony.ziebert@marquette.edu
Contact Dr. Ziebert on the phone at: 414-288-3704
From the Marquette Warrior comes the latest poll results from the Milwaukee* Journal Sentinel:
Do you agree with Marquette’s discipline in this case?
No (87.2%)
Yes (12.8%)
Total votes: 1,552
Ha, ha that is hilarious. Then what do you call these:
June 2, 2005 interview with Rolling Stone – Harry Reid – Q: “You’ve called Bush a loser.” Reid: “And a liar.” Q: “You’ve apologized for the loser comment.” Reid: “But never for the liar, have I.”Alright, by a technical standpoint only three of those statements ‘directly’ call President Bush a liar or that he lied about the urgency to invade Iraq. But, in regards to the other statements, those are the closest things you can say to calling the president a liar without ever having to actually use the term ‘liar’.
November 18, 2005: Sen. Edward M. Kennedy: Bush and Cheney “have begun a new campaign of distortion and manipulation.” The two men could not find weapons of mass destruction and “they can’t find the truth either.”
Al Gore: “A systematic effort to manipulate the facts.”
Sen. John Edwards: “myths perpetrated by the Bush administration” and “certainly the integrity and character of the President of the United States is at issue, no question.”
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: “war based on falsehood” and “White House deception”
Former Pres. Jimmy Carter speaking at the DNC Convention: “we cannot lead if our leaders mislead.”
Al Sharpton: “He lied in Florida. He’s lied several times. I believe he lied in Iraq.”
Sen. Joe Biden: “By misrepresenting the facts, misunderstanding Iraq and misleading on this war…”
Rep. John Conyers: “cook the intelligence”
Rep. Maxine Waters: “The President is a liar. Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief.”
Rep. Edward Markey: “We know that the Bush administration deliberately misled the American public about nuclear weapons in Iraq, about Al Qaeda in Iraq…”
Source: Republican Party of Wisconsin
Source: Republican Party of Wisconsin
So much to do, so little time in which to do it. I want to comment further on the suspension of the student blogger from the College of Dentistry this evening but right now I am bit preoccupied (I have class in less then a half-hour). My roommate will be in the library for most of the evening, so I’ll likely be there with him for the majority of the night which will allow me to write an editorial and an open-letter regarding the event as well as comment on other events throughout the world which I have been meaning to write about for some time now.
On Thursday, December 1st, Ryan Alexander accused Daniel Suhr of being liar and claimed that the t-shirt design Suhr claimed was not OSD approved was in fact legitimate.
In regards to your e-mail, an application for a t-shirt fundraiser by the College Democrats has not been submitted to the Office of Student Development.
Kelly Neumann
GOP3.com and The Marquette Warrior have reported that a student in the College of Dentistry has been suspended for negative remarks he made regarding one of his professors, of whom is unnamed, on his personal blog. This is a censorship at its worst.
Yes, our traffic jumps through the roof when we talk about The Warrior. “Desperate for traffic” might be a bit of an overstatement, though – we have no advertisers and no competition, at least in terms of other left-leaning blogs on campus, so thus, we have no reason for desperation. The increases in traffic are purely for excitement. No offense to those who write or enjoy pieces on state politics, but I’d much rather argue about The Warrior or other campus issues than gubernatorial primaries or Peg Lautenschlager’s driving record. Look at the comments on our respective sites – I think our readers agree.Then you audience is nothing more then a bunch of pians. If you so desperately want The Warrior to go away then stop talking about. Somebody at 1832 should at least make an attempt to constrain Ryan Alexander or something to that effect before he busts the seat of his pants again the next time an issue of The Warrior is published and handed out on campus. 1832 is attempting to make an issue out of something which doesn’t exist. There are far more significant issues then the never-ending debate over whether The Warrior has a clear political agenda or not. And if your audience, Mr. Weaver, can not see that then you have clearly failed in your responsibility to educate them.
However, she did write about the “unfortunate effect of a campus culture in which…an outspoken student is considered a bigot.” Kastner’s McCarthy-ist posts calling out members of the Muslim and Arab student associations based solely on their heritage, and the outrage that followed, was the most prominent example of an outspoken student being considered a bigot this semester.Here’s the thing though – Joseph McCarthy was right in the end afterall. For 1832 to derieve racism and bigotry from the two posts on which ‘moderate’ commentator Brent Bray (if he’s a moderate then I’m a flaming liberal) discussed in his article is a real stretch even for Ryan Alexander the far-left extremists his blog embodies. Furthermore, was there a competition for most ‘outspoken student being considered a bigot this semester’? I wasn’t aware. And I didn’t even prepare a speech. I would just like to accept this award on behave of the little cretin whose nerves I steamroll over every day of my life. Thank you. Rest assured I'm not losing any sleep over it.
Lastly, I’d like to say that I didn’t mean to start some sort of war between 1832 and all entities Red on campus – the “thesis” of my post, if you will, praised The Warrior’s current issue, and most of my jabs were pretty lighthearted and good-natured. Simple misunderstandings do not equal "blatant lies". I’m not going to take this too seriously, and I suggest you do the same.
Well, seeing as how Ryan Alexander has refused to learn the fact that all his bitching, whining, and moaning about The Warrior newspaper does nothing but increase awareness and interest in the independent student publication, it does not come as a surprise that the sophomoric vandals who first egged Brandon Henak’s house have not learned from their mistake. I will be interested to see Mr. Alexander twist this around and accuse Henak of egging his own house … again.
In the two days since the second full edition of The Warrior newspaper hit the streets of Marquette University, I am surprised, quite frankly saddened, that more people have not picked up on one particular article in the independent newspaper that stuck out the most in mind while reading the publication on Wednesday.
Q: “What religion are you?"
A: “I’m a professional Catholic. Personally, I am enriched by all the world religions and all partial captures of the truth.”
I'm tempted to ask - what's the difference between a regular Catholic and a 'professional' Catholic? Does Maguire believe he's superior then the rest of the Roman Catholic Church that he has to dictate to himself a title of sorts?
Q: “Do you celebrate Christmas?”
A: “Yes.”
Q: “If so, do you celebrate according to your religion or have you adapted a bit?”
A: “I celebrate with friends and family and try to remind people what Jesus was about. I fi nd the current Republican party anti-Christian in the extreme.”
Maguire is taking Ryan Alexander's lead in automatically assuming that The Warrior is indeed a College Republican-funded newspaper which, again, is not true in any sense. I thought a man with a doctorial degree would not be so naive but I guess I was wrong. As wrong as Maguire is in his statement above, his comment that the 'Republican Party is anti-Christian in the extreme' is a welcome change from the tired rhetoric of the left who claim the Republican Party does nothing but cater to the agenda of the 'religious right'. Talk about a rebel!
Q: “What traditions have you passed on to your kids?”
A: “We do a variety of things that we like to keep private.”
Q: “What have you taught them about Christmas?”
A: (Declined to share family traditions.)
Q: “Are there any traditions you do not celebrate that are part of your faith?”
A: “Jesus died for our sins; I think that’s a horrible concept. [Emphasis added by the Office of Homeland Security] Most of history thought the gods were bloodthirsty, and that they preferred human blood. We actually reverted back to human sacrifice. Incarnation itself is enough. Jesus was killed for fighting the Roman Empire. He was the original teacher of passive resistance, and the Romans eventually saw him as a problem and killed him.” (He sees the passive teachings as enough to glorify Jesus, not death.)
Q: “Is it important to make Christmas a holiday that everyone can celebrate? That is, including non-religious symbols and characters?”
A: “When you recognize that all religions have a little bit of the truth, then celebration of parts of the truth makes good sense to me.”
Q: “What would you say is the meaning of Christmas? Does society’s celebration of Christmas reflect this meaning?”
A: “There’s hypocrisy in the way Americans celebrate Christmas. It’s like the Nazis celebrating Christmas. [Emphasis added by the Office of Homeland Security] Hey, folks, why don’t you look at what you’re doing to the world, then get sincere about Christmas? I see Christmas as a time for many people to be superficial and waste money buying non-essentials.
Q: “If Christ hadn’t been born into the world, would there still be a need for a holiday like Christmas?”
A: “There is no one religion that has it all, and I think that the cooperation among religions is the way to go.”
Critics say putting together an armada of Christian attorneys is likely a publicity stunt. If they sued Boston over the name of its tree, they'd likely lose because governments can call their trees whatever they want.Let’s get things straight here – just because the government (not just the United States but any world government) has the power to do something does not automatically make it right. Renaming a Christmas tree a ‘holiday tree’ is one of the most idiotic, asinine appeals to the PC-crowd in this country that I have ever heard of.
From Sam Weaver at 1832 …
Diana Sroka's column continues to bemoan the lack of conservative freedom at one of the more Republican institutions not named after Bob Jones in the country. She mourns "the unfortunate effect of a campus culture in which…an outspoken student is considered a bigot". Perhaps it's "unfortunate", but when you imply that Marquette's Muslim Student Association and Arab Student Association could be harboring potential terrorists, you get what you deserve.GOP3.com does a good job at correcting him about this. The liberals on campus love to put words into people’s mouths while at the same time perpetrating themselves as moderates when in fact they are not. But what can I say? They made a ton of traffic off of smearing my name and their continued discussion of it has certainly increased traffic on my end of the internet as well. Apparently, if I scratch you back, you can stick a dagger in mine and claim I’m scratching yours.
UPDATE: Yeah! This The Office of Homeland Security's 500th Post!
I got back into Milwaukee late last night and was greeted this morning by the newest edition of Marquette College Republican's publication called The Warrior.Brandon at GOP3.com said it best that Alexander just wants to continue perpetrating the lie that the College Republicans are funding publication when in fact they have done no such thing and that The Warrior is independently funded by advertisements.
The first thing that I noticed about The Warrior today is that like its one page "special issue" that went out before Thanksgiving break, their circulation seems to be way down from their first issue as I didn't see any of the Republicans passing it out during my class changes, saw very few people walking around with it, saw few people with a copy in the Library or in any of my classes, and as a result it took me awhile to find a discarded copy to pick up.Another lie from Alexander. What a surprise! He assumes that their publication numbers are down when in fact they are quite the opposite. They went from 2000 copies of the independent newspaper last issue to over 4000 this time around. I’m no math major or anything but that seems like an increase to me, doesn’t it Ryan? I saw Brandon Henak, Diana Sroka, Sarah Kirby, Mary Ellen Burke, and several others passing out copies of The Warrior several times over the course of my school day on Wednesday. First when I was heading to Schroeder for lunch at around 11:30am then when I went to Biology for Non-Science Majors at 1:50pm and then again when I returned home from my Biology class at 2:30pm. Alexander must be blind (fill in your own insult here) because I saw numerous people carrying a copy of the independent newspaper with them.
Their circulation seems to be down for a few reasons: 1) The paper has been rightfully discredited and exposed as a right-wing talking piece rather than a truly independent news source; 2) Its really cold out, which means few students are going to take the time to stop, remove their hands from their jacket pockets, and take a copy when they want to get indoors as quickly as possible; 3) The fact that its really cold out means fewer of the Republicans are willing to stand outside for a extended periods of time distributing their right-wing propaganda piece.
It is trying to mislead people into thinking that JUSTICE supports The Warrior, which it most certainly does not (JUSTICE was one of the main organizations against the university changing the nickname back to "Warriors").
Needless to say it will be interesting to see how JUSTICE reacts to this.Yes, it will be interesting to see them get off their asses and attempt to actually accomplish something. Can’t argue with that.