MUCR Meeting Tonight with Guest Speaker Professor Breeden
This is just a simple reminder to all Marquette University College Republicans that there is a meeting being held tonight, not in the Alumni Union as we are usually situated, but in Cudahy Hall, Rm. 118 (and do not ask why this location because quite honestly I am simply taking instructions from the higher-ups of the organization) at 8pm. Professor Breeden will be our guest speaker for the evening and he will discuss “Discrimination and Prosperity” within the economic market. Also at this time we will be announcing the nominees running for specific positions within the Marquette University College Republicans’ organization next year. If you do decide to throw your own hat into the ring, be prepared to give a concise speech at this evening’s meeting. And of further note, this will be your last opportunity to sign up and volunteer for the Hunger Clean-up project for this Saturday, April 16th.
Thank you for your time and I hope you all have a pleasant evening.

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