Habemus Papam!
Oh God, the shepherd and guide of all the faithful,
Look with favor upon Thy servant Pope Benedict XVI,
Whom Thou hast been pleased to place as pastor over Thy Church.
Grant him, we beseech Thee, to help by word and example those over whom he rules, so that, Together with the flock entrusted to him, he may reach everlasting life.

"Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me - a simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord. The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers. In the joy of the risen Lord, trusting in his permanent help, we go forward. The Lord will help us and Mary his very holy mother stands by us"

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany has been elected the 265th leader of the Roman Catholic Church on this day, April 19th, 2005, and has taken the name of Pope Benedict XVI.
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