Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ghosts Skew Better Then God

Whenever a high-profile corporate individual makes as startling and offensive a statement as CBS head Leslie Moonves did this morning in announcing the network’s new fall lineup, stating quite bluntly that "I think talking to ghosts will skew younger than talking to God", don’t you wish you could just reach out to them, slap them across the face, and question what the Hell they were thinking when they said it? Moonves made the statement as a reference to the network’s new fall drama program, The Ghost Whisperer. From my standpoint at least, this program sounds vaguely like a cross between The Sixth Sense and Medium, the new hit NBC drama, and doesn’t demonstrate much originality, just simple corporate catch-up. But you want to know what is even worse about this program? It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt. Now I am sure she is a sweet woman but she honestly can’t act and doesn’t have a clue as to what constitutes a good film.