Monday, May 16, 2005

You Can be Promiscuous, Just Remember to Suit Up

It continues to baffle me as to how ignorant some people can be when they refuse to accept the practice of abstinence strictly being taught within sexual educational courses of public schools. How can adults, whose political leanings are directed more toward the left-side of the spectrum, stand by the sidelines and allow their children to throw their lives away, teaching them simply that if they must have sex they should suit up.

How beneficial is this to the children, “Jimmy, Sally – we don’t want you to have sex, but if you must, be sure to use a condom and birth control”. If teenagers within public schools are as sex starved as counselors claim they are, what are the chances that they are going to pay heed to the warning that their parents “do not want you to have sex” part? More likely they will view as a concession on the part of the parents and exploit it to their fullest advantage.

Putting aside for a moment the fact that condoms and birth control medication do not protect you from contracting sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS among them, but simply slipping on a thin piece of rubber does not guarantee you that a pregnancy will not result from engaging in sexual activity. Condoms are not as foolproof in spite of what many teenagers, along with a few adults, would care to believe otherwise. Even with the use of a condom, a three to four percent chance of a pregnancy occurring still remains. Why is it then that individuals find it so difficult, or ethically wrong, to teach strictly the practice of abstinence which, quite amazingly, has a zero percent chance of pregnancy occurring?

I bring up this discussion because over the weekend I stumbled upon a story in Yahoo! News’ Entertainment section entitled "Girls' Film on Pregnancy Gets Exposure" which explained how a school "with at least six classmates pregnant, including the valedictorian with her second child" created a film concerning safe sex.

I do not know who I should be more embarrassed for, the children who went through all this preparation and effort and still missed the point entirely or their parents who had no participation in this project’s conception whatsoever.