Bolton Has the Dems. Backed Against the Wall
The Democratic Party and the rest of their U.N. American compatriots are scared out of their minds at the very thought of John Bolton becoming the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations which automatically makes him the most qualified individual for the position. The reaction of the Senate Democrats doing everything within their power, and quite possibly even exceeding their congressional authority, demonstrates the importance in having John Bolton as the U.S. Ambassador. The United Nations have proven time and again in the last few decades to be as ineffective in fulfilling its obligations to the citizens of the world as The League of Nations was prior to escalation which led to World War II. John Bolton, I believe, will be the one to help bring down this corrupt international haven for Third World dictators and terrorist sympathizers and bring about the installation a new global organization that will be a beneficial partner in the war on terror rather then a hindrance. And who has taken upon themselves to lead this bitch-fest? Why Barbara Boxer, of course. According to her, “If this comes to the floor, we're going to have a fight”, though failing to clarify how the process could actually be halted at this point in time. Now honestly would the Democrats put up this much of an effort if this wasn’t someone crucial to the Bush Administration’s plan to clean shop in the United Nations? Hell no! That is why I call on the United States Senate to end this mindless bickering and Confirm Bolton already! He has a job to do!

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