Monday, May 16, 2005

Latino Hypocrisy?

[UPDATE (5/18/05): It appears as if President Vincente Fox has once again changed course on the controversial statement he made this past Friday, rescinding his so-called 'apology' from yesterday and now insisting that he was misinterpreted.]

[UPDATE (5/17/05): Since reporting the story this afternoon, President Vicente Fox has come out, three days after the fact, and has 'apologized' for his comment. In the above article, Fox doesn't exactly apologize but states that he 'regrets' making the statement, which is hardly what one would consider to be an apology. But here is the real kicker - Fox has arranged a meeting, not with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, which you would think would the clear indication of an apology to the United States, but instead with Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton. Since when did they officially become U.S. Ambassadors?]

I have been hammered over the course of the past month for a comment I had made concerning illegal aliens sneaking into the United States across the US/Mexican border, and yet I doubt a single one of those same group of Hispanics is demanding President Vicente Fox to apologize for his comment in which he stated that Hispanics do the work that blacks do not want to do. Of course not! This put the illegal aliens in a quasi-heroic light. They are rescuing poor, pathetic white America from having to get off their asses and mow their laws, tend to their gardens, take out their garbage, or, God forbid, raise their own children. Fox and the rest of the Mexican state are once again adding fuel to the lie which has created such sympathy for the illegal alien population in this country, and for future generations of riffraff to follow. Guess what? It’s a lie!