Democrats and Lord Doyle Fail on Photo ID Again
Source: Republican Party of Wisconsin

The State Senate failed to override Governor James E. Doyle’s veto of Senate Bill 42 today by a vote of 21-12 due to the Democrats’ opposition to enact real reform measures that would prevent voter fraud. Republicans in the legislature renewed their call for photo ID in Wisconsin following the release of a Legislative Audit Bureau Report last week that found overwhelming problems with Wisconsin’s statewide election system and a report released yesterday by the Commission on Federal Election Reform, headed by former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, that called for making it a nationwide requirement to show a photo ID at the polls.
“On the heel of these two reports, along with numerous other investigations and reports into our elections proving widespread voter fraud, the Democrats’ refusal to enact this simple, common sense measure is a slap in the face to voters in Wisconsin,” said Rick Graber, chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. “Doyle’s veto of it three times and the Democrats’ failure to join their colleagues, Sen. Tim Carpenter, Sen. Jeff Plale and the Republicans, to override his veto in light of continued evidence of a flawed system, show they have become extremists on this issue. Even President Carter, an icon of their party, supports photo ID. They have no excuse not to enact it, especially when all of their concerns about photo ID have been addressed.”
The commission’s proposed plan for photo ID mirrors the provisions of SB 42 by providing photo IDs at no cost to those who cannot afford them. SB 42 goes even further by eliminating the requirement for voters who are on the permanent absentee list. In addition, there is a measure to prevent felons from voting.
“The Democrats’ concern that photo ID would disenfranchise minorities and the elderly has no traction,” said Graber. “A photo ID is a common requirement, often necessary for everything from writing a check to renting a video. Clearly, Doyle’s refusal to support the measure shows he is acting in his own political self-interest.”
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