America's Role in Middle East Peace
As we await in egger anticipation for the result of the decision made by the Board of Trustees at Marquette University on the consideration of the reinstallation of the “Warrior” nickname to campus’ athletic teams this afternoon (press announcement is expected to be held at 5pm, which I will be attending with camera in hand, in the Alumni Union Hall), I thought I would post a few photos I took while in attendance of the presentation given last evening by Ambassador Dennis Ross. As I have told my peers, I did not expect to go into his speech agreeing to everything he said, but at the end of the evening I found myself more in disagreement with him, particularly on the issue of the Palestinians, then I might have expected. In any event, it was an insightful presentation and I was quite disappointed at the lack of students, outside of myself and a few others, who failed to show up.

Professor H.R. Friman (who happens to be my international politics professor) introducing Ambassador Ross

Ambassador Dennis Ross

Ambassador Dennis Ross

Ambassador Dennis Ross taking questions after his presentation

Me with Dr. Naylor from the History Department after the presentation
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