Tuesday, August 30, 2005

If It Clucks Like a Chicken and Walks Like a Chicken ...

Matters just keep going from bad to worse when it comes to the whole Marquette University nickname/mascot debacle. It is bad enough that for at least a week we were the Marquette ‘Gold’ (my friends at UW-Madison are never going to let this slip) and we were requested to participate in a shame election in which neither Warriors nor Jumpin’ Jesuits would be accepted (do the Jesuits view themselves so arrogantly that they would ban any nickname/mascot that could be used against them in mockery), but now we are being asked to choose a mascot from two conceptual designs, none of which were submitted by students or alumni mind you, that, as Professor John McAdams noted, are virtually identical. Fluff it up all they want, if it clucks like a chicken and walks like a chicken (a fairly accurate description I might add in describing the actions of the Wild administration in terms of the Warriors issue), chances are it’s a chicken.