Friday, July 22, 2005

U.N. American Idiot

Don’t you just love it how the Democrats like to hide behind the tried and true “freedom of speech” line whenever the subject involved serves to reflect their particular political objectives and/or beliefs but not others? This true of Attorney General Bill Lockyer, a California liberal no less, who has refused to remove a painting on display in the cafeteria of the state Department of Justice which depicts the United States sinking into a toilet with the slogan “T’anks to Mr. Bush”. A commentator on Fox News noted that if the painting had instead depicted a message against abortion, a clear violation of ‘women’s rights’ in the mindset of liberals, then Lockyer would have refused to allow it to be displayed in the government building. My opinion is that if the Ten Commandments have no place inside a government building then neither does partisan political propagandist pieces.